Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More snow and cold...

I don't know when this is going to end. Again for the past few mornings we are waking up with more snow. We are supposed to be going toboganning with Vayda's class this afternoon. But this morning it was -17 with a windchill of -26. Yikes. It is supposed to warm up to -6, but with that windchill it is so much colder than that.

We are pretty much counting down the days here. I will be so glad to be back home in the Okanagan, where I heard the other day it was 15 above. When I told Vayda that it was -17 this morning she said "that's not so bad Mom" I guess we are really used to the cold.

We aren't sure of the exact date when we will be moving but it can't come soon enough. Eventhough I have met two really nice ladies with kids the exact same age as our girls, and I know our girls are going to miss them so much. I can't wait to have coffe at the park with everyone back home. Yeah!!!!

It sure isn't the same as the Okanagan. I can't wait to go for a nice walk and a bike ride. Maybe go for a hike or go camping in the woods. I can't wait to be able to go to the grocery store and get what ever I need and more. A bakery would be nice, since there are only Grocery store bakery's. To have Costco only a short drive away is going to be heavenly, and ofcourse the Mediteranean Market. But most of all I am excited about being back with all of my friends and family, and to be able to enjoy our property.

One of the things that I have learned up here, is that there is no need to go shopping all of the time. We used to buy things for our girls here and there and we would buy things that we really didn't need. My prove was when I donated a bunch of toys to the free store at the Alliance Church yesterday - toys they didn't play with anyways. We have learned to really make our money last and not spend when we don't need. Our girls have learned it as well, cause we can now go to Wal-mart and they don't even ask to go the toy section. They have been so good with not asking us for anything. We are so proud of them. Vayda even wants to give us her money so it can help build our house.

Guess what is just stopped snowing!!! Finally I get to go and shovel the drive way again. Everytime I shovel, I think this may be the last time I shovel this year. Maybe today will be the last day, keeping my fingers crossed.

I read this last night, and it made me feel really good.

"You are so much more than you think you are!
Admit it:
Sometimes you compare yourself to others and feel like you fall short. But you are far more capable, beautiful, compassionate and gifted than you give yourself credit for. In fact, you're the kind of person other people think "wow" about! Face it: You're wonderful!"

Hope everyone has a great day. I made a mistake it is still snowing. Blah!


At 12:40 PM, Blogger K said...

What a great post. You are right- sometimes getting away like moving away from it all makes you realize what little you need. It is easy to fall into that funk of always buying for kids and then they come to expect something new all the time.

You will truly appreciate the weather when you get back. Cant wait for you to bring the girls here. We just had a great time watching a coyote steal a huge black hen from the property below us. then the owners ran around chasing the coyote. prett entertaining. Aliah has fossils she found on the property she wants to show vayda and teach her all about fossils. it will be so nice.

Have a great day-

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Anita said...

We are also looking forward to your return...although we too had snow today... a few flakes at 12:30 and then the sun was shining! I was outside on duty in just a fleece yesterday!! Spring is here!!:)

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Angella said...

I hope it stopped snowing! I'm looking forward to you guys being our neighbours :)


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