Monday, February 26, 2007

We are Packing

Just thought I would let everyone know that we are packing. We are so excited to be moving back. John is going to be mainly working away from home so why bother being up here where there is not really that much to do and I don't really know anyone. I can't hardly wait. The girls are thrilled as well. Eventhough we have met some really nice people here, there is no place like home. I am very glad we did move up here though, cause if we hadn't we would have always wondered. I am excited to get back to some normal weather though. I have had enough of this cold and snowy winter. We are going to be living at my parents place cause they are working down at the Campground again this year. We are giving our notice as of March 1, so we will be arriving during Spring Break sometime. I guess I will see most of you then.


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Angella said...

Maybe we can hang out when you come back?


At 1:57 AM, Blogger Beth said...

Sometimes it's really hard to make decisions and other times it just feel right! I'm glad you're heading back to friends! Hope the move goes well!

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Jen F said...

What - you arent excited that it has been snowing again the past two days??? lol. I could certainly do with some spring now, getting really tired of shoveling the driveway!
I will be sad to see you leave, and I do feel bad that it has been such a frustrating experience for you - especially when we have loved it so much and felt like this is a great home town for us. But my lifes moto is "if your not happy - change something cause life is too short to be unhappy." I am excited for you to go back to friends and family and cant wait to visit and see all the work you will have been able to do on your property.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Amie said...

Oh that's exciting. I am pleased. Hopefully Andy and I can get out there for a visit before too long and see you again, it already feels like too long.

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Leanna said...

Must be exciting to be able to return home! Good luck with the move.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Vicki said...

I'm sooooo jealous, but sooooooo much happier for you! Wow!

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

We are so happy that you are coming back. Avery is already talking about having Vayda at her birthday, and Tessa will be here for Brooklyn's. Can't wait to get together and have a shopping day or scrapbooking night! Yay!!


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